Malaysia flight MH370 found Trick again in Facebook

This is another #Phising trick.

Some sluggish people making this! :p

Firstly RIP to those dumbass...!! :P

But still, some people are becoming goose for those nasty tricks!

If you click on this link,  ==> <== it'll redirect to a page that exactly looks like Facebook login page.
If you type any shit in there, it'll be recorded in LOG file they'd already created. That leads to many critical situation! 

That exactly looks like Image1

You can see that The URL is quite different!

When you type any shit as creditentials and try logging in, you will be redirected to another page. But that page is real and that video too.

That is website.

These type of tricks are growing more and more. I strongly warning all of you not to become dumbs for such things!